Working with me

What to expect in our work together:

Our work begins with a clear intention and varies from session to session. We let your body guide us based on what you need and what you feel curious about within yourself. You create the experience of each session. I’m a partner in the process. I may have of suggestions where we could go, but don’t have an agenda or direction I think we should go. This is gentle work that allows you to begin to explore your body’s sensations, breath, movement, and learn to direct your awareness. You’ll begin to see subtle changes in yourself from session to session. It’s in these beginning steps you take towards your own desires that you will witness the shifts and changes in your body and your life.

Here’s where we start in your session:

  1. Creating a safe space to share your life story.
  2. Being deeply received, seen and known.
  3. Establishing your learning objective and how we’re going to work together over time.
  4. Exploring Embodied ConsentDialog and Somatic Exercises
  5. Integration & creating future sessions

Some of the results the clients have experienced include:

  • Knowing and owning what you want and learning how to ask for it
  • Discovering your embodied “Yes” and “No”
  • Knowing your self-worth and knowing that connecting to your erotic self is sacred and empowering
  • Learn about  your nervous system and how it influences your choices based on your past
  • Knowing your parts and how they work gives us tremendous insight to greater awareness